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I have been thinking about my life and what I want to make of it. After some journaling sessions, I’ve noticed that whatever goals I’ve wanted to pursue have been met with negativity, or I get met with being told I’m too old. I’ve concluded that people project their fears onto me, and I don’t want to live that way.

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I was thinking back to a conversation that happened within my friendship circle. The top goal on my friend’s bucket list is to attend San Diego Comic-Con. I also want to experience this. It also got me reassessing what goals I had written on my own bucket list. Going to Disney Land in Anaheim, California, one day is an item on my bucket list. I am a fan of Disney. It was the first Disney park built. Walt Disney was said to have overseen its construction, and this idea makes me want to visit it more.

I would also love to visit Norway to see the Northern Lights; they are beautiful. They were visible in the UK recently, but I didn’t get to see them. I’ve looked at many images on Pinterest. I would love to stay in a pod to watch them at night before falling asleep. I would love to travel to other places too.

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I’ve also been thinking about using what I’ve learned from my life experiences to help others with their mental health issues and provide self-development advice. I’ve had the idea to use Instagram, this blog, and TikTok as the platforms I want to work on sharing these ideas. I’m unsure if I want to use the word influencer; it would be nice to make a living from these ideas, and it wouldn’t be a big deal if I did it for free. I want to help people, and if I can do that, I’ll be happy.

I’m yet to get started on the Instagram and TikTok side of my goals; I am battling insecurities. I don’t like the sound of my voice, and my teeth show clear signs of neglect from my depressive spells, and I hate seeing them. I’ve also had to deal with relatives asking me why I’ve shared mental health-related content in the past’ their reasoning for asking is “people aren’t nice”, which has also been offputting.

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All my goals are obtainable; I’ve just let people convince me otherwise for far too long. I want to experience what life has to offer. I want to experience it with Ben and my closest friends. There are things I want to experience by myself. I want to know that I lived my life as much as I could before I passed.

In the meantime, I will bring up my insecurities and do the work needed to heal from what troubles me.

One thought on “Goals, dreams, & aspirations

  1. I have not been to a Disney park either, but the one in California would be ideal. The other night I thought to myself wouldn’t it be cool if I could also do a podcast about autism on here linked from another site? I am not great on camera but I too am not a massive fan of my voice either!


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