Existential dread, depression, and an identity crisis

Photo by Ugur Tandogan on Pexels.com I aim to be as open and honest as possible with my blog, so I'll be sharing some of my recent experiences with mental health matters. I haven't been feeling great.  Photo by gentina danurendra on Pexels.com I am unsure what has triggered my current feelings of existential dread,…

I’ve not been honouring my feelings

Photo by Ennie Horvath on Pexels.com Suppressing emotions is a bad habit I picked up in my teenage years. I didn't want my peers in school to get a read on how I was feeling.  Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com I don't know if I was successful at the time because I was a…

Running before I’m able to walk

Saying that I've overdone it is an understatement. My body is aching, my mental health is taking a hit, and I'm finding it hard to stick to the routines I've been trying to implement. I'm struggling to come to terms with my illnesses and too stubborn to admit that I need physical aid some days.…

Seasonal Depression & how I’m dealing with it

This time of year can be tough. The days get shorter, it gets dark earlier, and it's often cold and rainy. It can feel hard to navigate. In today's post, I'll be sharing how I'm dealing with it. Getting as much daylight as possible I'll be honest, this weather doesn't motivate me to want to…

I can be a toxic person

Working on yourself can be an emotionally tough process. There were times where I was on the receiving end of toxic behaviour, but there were times where I had dished it out. Growth is an important part of life. I am not the same person I was over a decade ago, but there are aspects…