Where I’ve been: mental health & chronic pain

Photo by Ugur Tandogan on Pexels.com Last week was horrific for me. I was in a lot of pain in my joints; I could barely function. I had to use my energy sparingly to ensure I could get the most important tasks done. Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com I am dealing with internalised ableism,…

Existential dread, depression, and an identity crisis

Photo by Ugur Tandogan on Pexels.com I aim to be as open and honest as possible with my blog, so I'll be sharing some of my recent experiences with mental health matters. I haven't been feeling great.  Photo by gentina danurendra on Pexels.com I am unsure what has triggered my current feelings of existential dread,…

Living with internalised ableism

Photo by Ken Ozuna on Pexels.com Ableism is discrimination against people with disabilities. The discrimination can be intentional or unintentional and is based on the belief that there is a correct way for bodies and minds to function and that anyone who deviates from that is inferior. VeryWellMind.com I have been finding it difficult to…

Running before I’m able to walk

Saying that I've overdone it is an understatement. My body is aching, my mental health is taking a hit, and I'm finding it hard to stick to the routines I've been trying to implement. I'm struggling to come to terms with my illnesses and too stubborn to admit that I need physical aid some days.…